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Money in politics: a recipe for corruption in Malaysia

Financial sustainability in Malaysian public universities: coping with or embracing change?

Value innovation: a leap into the blue ocean

Projectification: The forgotten variable in the internationalization of firms’ innovation processes?


Career competencies and job crafting: How proactive employees influence their well-being

HRM and workplace innovations: formulating research questions


Internet surveillance after Snowden: A critical empirical study of computer experts’ attitudes on commercial and state surveillance of the Internet and social media post-Edward Snowden

Staying in a hotel or peer-to-peer accommodation sharing? A discrete choice experiment with online reviews and discount strategies


The surpluses and shortages in businesstobusiness marketing theory and research

Relationship marketing readiness: theoretical background and measurement directions


Brand resonance score for CBBE model: an application in financial services

A bibliographic study on big data: concepts, trends and challenges


The mediating role of sense of belonging in the relationship between the built environment and victimisation: a case of Penang, Malaysia

How our homes impact our health: using a COVID-19 informed approach to examine urban apartment housing

Green product preferences considering cultural influences: a comparison study between Malaysia and Indonesia

A study of the impact of three leadership styles on integrity violations committed by police officers


Survival and competitiveness of traditional travel agencies in Malaysia: a qualitative enquiry

Technology in tourism-from information communication technologies to eTourism and smart tourism towards ambient intelligence tourism: a perspective article