DIgital Collections

Electronic Book (eBook) Collection

About eBook Collections

Discover a world of knowledge at your fingertips with our expansive eBook collection! Offering a wide range of titles across disciplines—from science and technology to arts and humanities—our eBook library is designed to support students, researchers, and casual readers alike.

Accessible anytime, anywhere, this digital collection provides a convenient, eco-friendly way to dive into academic resources, novels, and more. With user-friendly search tools and easy-to-navigate categories, exploring new ideas and enhancing your learning experience has never been easier. Start exploring today and unlock endless possibilities in reading and research!

eBook Subscribed by UiTM

ebook-portal-2UiTM's subscribed eBook collection offers students and faculty access to over 32,000 titles across diverse subject disciplines. Carefully curated to align with academic needs, faculty members organize these titles for seamless navigation, making it easy for students to find resources tailored to their coursework and research.

Each title was selected based on recommendations from faculty members to ensure the collection directly supports and enhances the learning experience. With resources ranging from foundational texts to specialized research, this digital library is essential for enriching academic study and broadening knowledge in every field.

Step accessing Ebook?
  1. Login to MyKM Portal.
  2. Menu Information Resources > eBook.
  3. Search or Browse the collections.
  4. Click on the preferred title.
  5. Click the view full text button.
Total eBook Collection

eBook from Other Resources

Open Access
Our Open Access eBook collection provides free, unrestricted access to diverse academic resources, supporting lifelong learning and expanding knowledge across all disciplines.
UiTM eLib
The Elib eBook collection offers a variety of leisure reading materials, including novels, biographies, and popular nonfiction—perfect for unwinding and exploring new interests.